Stowberry Sponge Cake

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Victoria sponge cake has a long history that dates back at least to the middle of 19th century. Wilhelmina Von Furstenberg, a woman who created this recipe, was the original to do so. Victoria sponge cake is basically a sweet vanilla sponge. It’s named after Victoria Queen of England. The cakes were so popular that she started making them for her family and friends. The recipe was even patented by her in 1924.
You would have used an old glass baking pan that was given to you by your grandparents when you were a child. You would need a pastry board to mix the delicious Victoria sponge cake batter. Wilhelmina used a round cake pan that could easily be inserted into an oven of regular size. Because ovens were not that large back then, this is why the round cake tin was so easy to fit into a regular sized oven. You also needed a special rolling pin back then to turn the mixture so it would have a smooth surface on which to place it.
This cake is made up of flour, jam, margarine and butter. It also contains sufficient sugar to make it light- and fluffy. The jam shouldn’t be too thick to make it fluffy. Otherwise, it will curdle. You can melt the butter with just a little sugar, but it should still be soft enough that you can add milk right before baking. This recipe is best made with raspberry jam.


Ingredients :

225g (8 oz) icing sugar, sieved
Vanilla icing
85g (3 oz) Stork tub
1 tablespoon milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
3 tablespoons jam
225g (8 oz.) Castor sugar
225g (8 oz) Stork tub
4 medium eggs
225g (8 oz) self-raising flour, sieved
1 teaspoon baking powder The cake


Method :

1) Heat your oven to 170°C Fan, 160°C Fan, or Gas 4.
2) Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Beat with a wooden spoon 2 to 3 minutes until the mixture is smooth.
3) Divide the mixture between two greased, bottom-lined 20cm (12
Sandwich tins measuring approximately inch
4) Place them in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes, until they are golden.
5) Turn them out and remove the paper. Let cool on a rack.
6) Spread the jam on the center, sandwich the pieces together, and sprinkle icing sugar over the top
7) You can also mix vanilla icing ingredients for something even more delicious
Blend all ingredients in a bowl. Spread the mixture over the cake.

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