Peasy Lemon and Almond

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These are a popular choice for cake decorators. These cakes have a thicker texture than most other types of cake mixes and are made with all-natural sweetening. This means that they are safe to eat. They don’t overheat and they don’t easily break down. You can choose between two types of this desert: one with simple syrup drizzled over it and one with glaze of honey. The latter version is my favorite.

A Peasy Lemon and Almond Dessert Cream cake is a great option if you’re looking for something a little more indulgent. You can substitute peanut butter for any high-fat ingredient you wish. This dessert is great for breakfast, lunch, and snack. You can make it in your kitchen and freeze it for an easy dessert. This cake can be served hot or cold, but I prefer it chilled.

These are just some of the many delicious desserts and cakes that you have to choose from. You can experiment with flavors, colors, and ingredients to create the perfect dessert for any occasion. Enjoy the freedom to create your own unique recipes with sweet almond and lemon!


Ingredients :

You can find the syrup here

Two lemons are enough to make a juice

250g fondant icing sugar, sieved

20 sugared Lemon Decorations

50g ground almonds

200g self-rising bread flour, sieved

250g goldencaster sugar

4 large eggs

Zest of 2 lemons

Juice 1 lemon

250g block Margarine


Method :

1) Heat the oven at 180°C or Gas Mark 4. Place the 10 paper loaf pans onto

A metal tray.

2) Beat the margarine, sugar and butter until they are light and fluffy

Gradually beat the eggs, zest, juice and zest of 1 lemon.

3) Combine the almonds and flour until they are well mixed.

4) Spread the mixture into paper loaf pans. Bake for 20 mins.

It should be well-risen and golden brown.

Mix 1 lemon juice with 100g fondant icing Sugar.

6) Place the cakes on a cooling rack. Pierce the cakes several more times.

a skewer. Sprinkle the lemon syrup on top of the cakes.

7) Mix the remaining fondant frosting sugar and lemon juice until you get the desired consistency.

It should be smooth. Add lemon sugar decorations to the cakes.

Lemon icing. You can store it in an airtight plastic container for up 2 days


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